Resource Scheduling

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Resource Scheduling[edit]

Many of the resources at TinkerMill can be scheduled for use by TinkerMill members. All of the scheduling is done through Google calendars and is visible by TinkerMill members only. The calendar allows members to reserve time on equipment or rooms.

Scheduling guidelines[edit]

  • Members should try to schedule their time on the machine as early in advance as possible.
  • If a time slot is reserved by a member, it has priority over any other drop in users, even if the previous user is still using a machine.
  • If a member who reserved a machine in advance is more than 15 minutes late to their session, they forfeit their priority.
  • Members should limit their scheduled sessions to four hour blocks, with no more than eight hours scheduled in a single day.
  • Any unscheduled time is considered drop-in hours where anyone can drop in and use the equipment at their convenience.
  • The descending order of precedence for use of TinkerMill resources is:
    1. Class or other event scheduled on Meetup (which are always open to the public) using the resource for its intended purpose
    2. Resource reserved on Google calendar for intended purpose use
    3. Ad hoc use of resource for intended purpose (e.g. Actually having a multi-person meeting in the meeting room vs. simply camping out in there as a workspace)
    4. Ad hoc use of resource for non-intended purpose
A higher precedence event can reasonably displace a lower precedence event.

How to View the Resource Calendars[edit]

You may go to TinkerMill Calendar and view any of the available calendars or chose from the links below for specific calendars.

How to Add a Resource Calendar to your TinkerMill Calendar[edit]

Being able to view a resource calendar on your own calendar can be a useful thing for knowing when equipment is reserved or not.

There are two ways to add a resource calendar to your personal calendar.

Use the Resource Calendar Links[edit]

This is an easy way to add single calendars at a time

  1. Click on the link for the Calendar that you would like (see above)
  2. In the bottom right hand corner of the frame, there is a small "+" button. By clicking this, you will add the calendar to your calendar.

From your own TinkerMill Calendar[edit]

More useful for adding multiple calendars at once

  1. In your TinkerMill Calendar in the left pane there is a list of "Other calendars"
  2. Click the drop down button near "Other calendars" and select "Browse Interesting Calendars"
  3. Select the "More" tab at the top of the list
  4. Click "Resources for" from the list
  5. You will now get a list of all of the TinkerMill resouces. On the right hand side of each item, you may subscribe to each resource you would like to be shared in your TinkerMill Calendar.

Reserving Resource Time[edit]

From your personal TinkerMill calendar, you may reserve resource time the same way you would reserve a conference room.

  1. Create an event at the time that you would like to use the resource
  2. Click the event and select "Edit Event"
  3. On the right side of the screen, locate the toggle between "Guests" and "Rooms." Choose "Rooms".
  4. Select the resource you would like to reserve during that time. If the resource you would like to select does not show up, it means that it has already been reserved for that time and is not available.