Talk:Teaching Classes

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Certification Issues:

12. How do you know if I'm certified - how can I check if I was certified on the most current equipment? So what is the answer? Does Ron keep track? Who keeps a list, who do I tell that Joe B. is certified?

13. Can anyone use the soldering tools whether they are a member or not? How does one know if a tool requires certification? Good questions. The easy answer is to ask the shop captain. Anyone can use the electronic soldering irons. (Gas fueled soldering torches always require certification.)

This is mistaken information - which I will edit, except that the example given was intended to be universal (I think). Soldering irons are POWERED equipment. Rather than dice and slice which soldering irons are available, the broad brush stroke would be you need to be certified. However, the JBC soldering stations were procured under a city grant and we're supposed to permit use to non-members. These JBC solder stations are precisely the ones we want certification on. The tips are $40 each and easily destroyed if not certified. I argue that all POWERED equipment should require a certification (member or not).