Machine Shop

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Machines in Tinkermill Machine Shop

Mitek CNC vertical milling machine, 15"(Y)x28"(X)x15"(Z) NMTB40 tooling

Two Manual milling machines (One Bridgeport brand, one SuperMax YC-1 1/2VA - a Bridgeport clone)

Two Nardini 1640 Lathes. The tool posts on both are BXA and tail stock taper is 3MT. Spindle is D1-5. Threading is inch on one and metric on the other.
The BXA cut-off holder takes a 1/8" x 11/16" x 5" blade.

Band Saw (blade length is 93-1/2", typical width is 1/2", typical thickness is 0.025", and typical tooth count is 14 TPI - McMaster-Carr)

Pedestal Grinder

Baileigh - 52" sheet metal roll/press brake/shear tool - Operating Manual

Baileigh approximate shearing, bending and forming capacities.
Material Type Size
Mild Steel Sheet 16Ga (0.051)
Round Rod (roll only) .250 .312 .375
Aluminum 1100-0, 2024-0 0.125
5052-0, 6061-T4 0.125
2024-T3,5052-H34 0.090
5086-H36, 6061-T6 0.090
Copper and Alloys Electrolytic Copper 14Ga (0.064)
Bronze Commercial 14Ga (0.064)
Brass 70-30 14Ga (0.064)
Nickel Alloy Inconel 600 20Ga (0.032)
Monel R405 20Ga (0.032)
Nickel 200A Annealed 20Ga (0.032)
Zinc as rolled 16Ga (0.051)

Sheet metal hand tools

Tooling, granite plate, inspection tools.


Class Notes[edit]

We have two classes on the Nardini lathe, a 101 that only covers collet work with manual feed, a 201 that covers the chuck, mechanical feed and threading. We also combine the 101 & 201 classes for experienced lathe operators. Check with @sebastian.wessels on Slack if you qualify for the combo class. We drop the part where you do manual threading with a tap on the lathe when we combine the classes. The 101 class consists of the video below and then the in-person part where the instructor verifies that the student is capable after watching the video.


Machine Shop Projects[edit]

Tool Selection[edit]